It never fails, more tired after the vacation then I was before it! None the less, I am now back at work, and I should be posting the new Tuesday Top Ten this week. Many thanks to Ron for taking a swing at driving the clown car these past two weeks, and I think he got an idea for the next collaborative post... We will see!
As far as the whole submitting posts for inclusion in the Top Ten, Im amused that the first one ever comes while Im on vacation, and not even to me! As far as whether thats a valid tactic? Yes and No. If I dont already follow your blog, then its a great way to get me following, and if it is a decent post, it will be opened for consideration on Tuesday. However, unless there is a $100 bill taped to the email, its not a guaranteed entry on the list. No, thats not a hint to bribe me, Im being silly. :P
Obviously, Ive not gotten jack squat done for gaming this week, though I did pick up the Skaven book, and the idea rat has bitten me HARD...
Later on this week I am planning on doing up my Master List of Blogs, my huge beast of a list of blogs that I follow... This will be useful for people to find out if Im following your blogs, and possibly a way to find even more goodies to read! I might poke Ron about cross posting it at From The Warp, depending on how it looks when Im done with it. If you want to make sure Im following your blog, check your "Followers" widget, I should be there, I dont follow anything privately. If Im not there, there is a possibility I just follow through the reader... But if you dont want to risk it, email me at Heretic0977 at the gmail, or same name on the Wave, and point me at your blog!
And now, I have well over 800 hobby related posts to go read...
vacations always make work all that much shittier once you get back :P
In this case, I would have been happy to get back to work, rather then do all that moving... However, we were too slow, and I had to keep moving while working. That SUCKED. But, its all done now, we are out of the apartment and enjoying the house! :)
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